Our Mission
Our mission is to shine LIGHT into the darkness of grief for Gold Star Kids through curated, grief support memory boxes and by offering professional Christmas lighting services for Gold Star Families’ homes that include young children.
The Foundation
The Kyle Evans Let it Shine Foundation is a 501(c)(3) charity established in 2020 to honor the life and light of Kyle Evans through supporting Gold Star Kids. Kyle truly was the embodiment of "this little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine", as his light filled your heart and touched all who knew him with his larger than life personality. As we move forward without Kyle, through this foundation, his memory and light will continue to shine as we remind all, both young and old, to find and spread joy every day, to love with all our whole hearts, to give unselfishly to those in need, and to try to live as big as Kyle.
Our Vision and Goal
Gold Star Kids face the unthinkable reality of losing a parent who was actively serving in the United States Military. Children are such a precious gift from God, and their innocence is shattered in the midst of grieving the loss of a parent; through the Kyle Evans Let it Shine Foundation, our goal is to encourage them to let their light shine even in darkness...that it's okay to smile, to be a silly kid, to have fun, and that childlike joy can coexist in the midst of pain and unimaginable loss.
As the foundation grows and our long-term plans evolve, we will continue to support Gold Star Kids through sending them curated, grief support boxes. Each box will be a wooden, handcrafted piece lovingly made; with an engraving of their choice on top, the boxes will be a special place to keep treasures and memories of their parent and will contain personalized items as follows: angel prism, remembrance coin, grief journal, books on grief, Let It Shine t-shirt, arts and crafts specific to grief support and more. Items will be adjusted based on age and specific needs of each child.
After thoughtful consideration and in addition to boxes, we added an additional support element for Gold Star Kids and their families. Beginning Christmas season 2022, we now offer professional Christmas lighting services for Gold Star Families’ homes that include young children. We understand how difficult the holidays can be for Gold Star Families, and the task of decorating the home can be an overwhelming and often emotional task for the surviving spouse. Bringing joy to these homes and creating a memorable and magical Christmas for these deserving kids is our goal. With your help we will “Let it Shine” as we brighten their Christmas Season!
"Hope is being able to see that there is LIGHT despite all of the darkness"
- Desmond Tutu